How To Deal With Having A Negative Mentality

negative mentality, mental health, mental health issues, depression, runt, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, seek help, get better, take control

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Hi loves! Today, I’m sharing a life update with you all and my negative mentality that has been hindering me in my everyday life, work, profession, etc. Having a negative mentality can be so hard on so many of us, but I will say this know your signs and don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’m sure somewhere along my journey you read about my brain surgery years ago and how it has affected me since, but never did I think I needed a therapist or anything. 

I’ve always had this “I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN” mentality. I was always Superman. Until the day came where, I had these thoughts, negative mindset, stress, added to my life. I feel like mental health and people with a negative mentality sometimes don’t feel seen or like they are “bothering” other people to talk to someone, which is why the suffer in quiet. I was the opposite, I saw some signs and thought I could handle it better. Then I cracked. 

I felt so overwhelmed, stressed, like nothing was going right. I was eating properly for like 2-3 weeks, wasn’t working out like I normally do, and felt like everything I did was wrong. I also had physical symptoms, like the need to throw up (even though) I hadn’t eaten all day or restless sleep. I was beginning to fall in an anxiety/depressive state. I could sense it. I however align my friends, social media, what I watch on tv with mental health. So, for me it wasn’t taboo to talk about it or bring it up. I needed HELP

The negative mentality I had wasn’t helping me. Wasn’t contributing to my life in any way just making me feel more and more depressed. AND THAT’S OKAY! ITS OKAY TO HAVE A NEGATIVE MENTALITY. But realize you can’t be there and live in there. So don’t be afraid to ask for help, don’t be afraid to reach out to your strong, seems to have to all together friends. 

negative mentality, mental health, mental health issues, depression, runt, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, seek help, get better, take control


Since that day I felt the world was against me, I called off work the next day and called my HR department to ask for help. They offer counselors to help without a fee. I’ve been seeing a therapist now and honestly feel relieved. I feel much better about myself in the sense like I’m heading in the right direction. I don’t have all the answers, but I have the tools to evaluate myself and to know what I need. 

I’ve have always said, “therapy is great for people, but I don’t need it” “No therapist is going to sit there and realize my issues if they haven’t walked in my shoes” I use to say this all the time, now I know it was a wall I put up to block the idea of being vulnerable, of being seen. Now, I’m excited to talk to my therapist and get a sense of why I act the way that I do. Or why I see things the way I do. It’s great for me. It’s helped in so many ways. 

negative mentality, mental health, mental health issues, depression, runt, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, seek help, get better, take control

Life Update

After all this, my incredible company offered me to take a 30 day leave of absence with my job still there for me after my time. I couldn’t be more grateful to my company for giving its employees great tools to find the work/life balance we all need. I do have a decision to make within this week about either returning to my work from home job or going back into the office. Honestly, I think I know my decision but want to make sure that’s truly want I want to do.

Being home has been great, but I’m such a social person, I think I miss that connection. I can talk to anyone for hours about everything or nothing that’s always been my greatest gift. Being at home, I feel like in some ways I’m more a number to a company then in the office I’m a person. 

Time Off

With this time off, I don’t want it to go to waste. I want to use it to build my brand, more than I have ever. I’ve been a blogger and influencer/content creator since 2017 and only make a handful of brand deals and money. I want this to be my passion, because creating is what I truly love to do. This month I’ve started both a new Instagram and a Tik Tok account to build it the way I want. To have the followers that want to be a part of my community. The same goes with my blog.

I want to open more with everyone, start sharing my favorite deals or sales. Still have beauty, fashion, and travel content but also other things as well. If you’re feeling inspired, please subscribe to my blog on the side. No spam but I’m going to start doing a monthly newsletter, sharing upcoming beauty releases, sales, etc. 

negative mentality, mental health, mental health issues, depression, runt, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, seek help, get better, take control

Finally, I want you to know you matter! You truly do. Gabi Daiagi always said this, and I want to leave it with you all today and go follow her cause she incredible -fashion guru, funny and an incredible human being. “You are the only one of you on this entire planet and if that’s not the coolest thing you’ve ever heard I don’t know what is.”

It’s true. You are the only one of you, be happy. Live your best life and enjoying every second of it. Today we are releasing that negative mentality and going to work on us. FOR US!

negative mentality, mental health, mental health issues, depression, runt, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, seek help, get better, take control


Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

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