How Well Are You Adapting To Our New Normal?

How Well Are You Adapting To Our New Normal?

Hi loves! We are all adapting to our new normal, whether it’s working from home, working certain hours, avoiding public places, etc. For the people working in the front lines, essential businesses and for many other businesses that have started to reopen. THANK YOU! Thank you for always keeping calm in the midst of all the craziness. Thank you for helping out and doing your job. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But for the rest of us that have had to adjust to a new workplace, a new school, a new gym it has been a bit hectic.

work, advice, life, adapting to our new normal

How do you cope with everything and begin adapting to our new normal way of life? When you’re at work, you can have a bad day, but then you leave the office and can escape and go home or to your gym. Now, it’s all the same place. So how do we create an escape? How do we stay motivated? 

Working From Home

A little back story for the first month and a half of the quarantine I was very fortunate to be at home but still getting paid. I was a high-risk individual and my job didn’t have an option for me to be working from home. But now with states reopening and the threat of the virus still very real, my job is adapting to our new normal and has decided to train us in different roles to still assist our company and clients.

adapting to our new normal

I was sent laptops, monitors, and a bunch of computer things (Thank you dad for setting it all up!) and I began to train for my new role. All computer work from Monday-Friday 8-5pm with an hour lunch. Pretty boring, but I found it super easy and caught on quickly. The best part is the ability to cook my food at home, walk my dog whenever I like, and work on my blog and social media. I have much more freedom than the typical office job. 

working from home, mentality, adapting to our new normal


My mentality is completely changed. I love having the freedom to dictate my daily routine. The freedom to choose to workout during my break and eat while I work. The ability to step away for a couple of minutes and still get more than my average amount done. I love being able to work in leggings and a t-shirt.

No one is nagging you to do something or give you stupid work. No annoying co-workers or bosses who are not equipped to lead a team. My new boss communicates through Skype and monitors my daily tasks but isn’t “babysitting” us or “micro-managing” us.

working from home, advice, adapting to our new normal

Honestly, it has me thinking about not going back to work in an office. I feel like this new way of working really works for me and my mental health. I’m looking at different options for myself once the world settles down. Working from home has completely changed my mindset.


I found motivation by keeping to my normal routine. I still eat breakfast each morning, get ready (not in work attire), eat lunch and work in a little desk office I made. I try to do my day as normal as possible adding little new moments into it. My gym has reopened so I do that at night to get out, prior to that I would workout at home or go outside for a walk to get some fresh air.

I don’t allow distractions to fill my day like tv and movies. I work hard during the morning and get as much done as possible to have an easier afternoon. I let myself check out social media, text my friends, grab a snack and it helps to keep me fueled for the day. 

working from home, motivation

We have to keep ourselves motivated while working from home during this transition phase. Making sure we’re not only focusing on our mental selves but our physical selves as well. Make sure you’re getting some activity in, whether it’s a walk, run, or even an Instagram live.

When eating, make sure you have clean food accessible, like carrots, crackers, etc. for snacks. Prepare a cleaner lunch now since you’re home and have no excuse. Adapting to our new normal can be hard, but we can try to adjust as best we can. We can still thrive and grow from this pandemic. 


Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

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