Becoming A Better Version of Yourself

Becoming A Better Version of Yourself

Hi loves! Today, I’m sharing my tips on becoming a better version of yourself. Do you feel like days are just passing you by? Or you’re not being as productive as you know you can be? Do you feel like you’re in a slump? I can relate, I think we all feel these ways at some point in our lives.

How do you transition from feeling like your Superman and can handle anything to your body changing on you? How do get over the “mental hump”? I have some tips on helping you become a better version of yourself. So let’s get started!

becoming a better version of yourself
better you, mental health, body, becoming a better version of yourself

It All Starts With You

  • Check YOUR priorities (make sure they haven’t change or adjust them if needed)
  • Lose the friends that hold you BACK and DOWN
  • Workout HARDER, get physically stronger and PUSH YOURSELF
  • WORK on your mental health
  • Stick to YOUR GOALS
  • KEEP your friends close
  • Challenge YOURSELF (it helps you grow, don’t stick to easy and what’s SAFE)
  • DRINK LESS (its hard but can be done)
  • Eat CLEANER and healthier
  • WORK harder. Go after those goals because you can.
  • Don’t STRESS out too much
  • TRAVEL when you can (see/meet other walks of life)
  • Meditate
  • Spoil YOURSELF (get your lashes done, a facial, or massage)
becoming a better version of yourself

Honestly, it’s hard to change and create better habits for yourself. When we’re in college, we feel invincible and drinking and partying doesn’t affect us the day after. Eventually, your body can’t keep up and it drags you down. Sometimes turning from a young college kid to a young adult with bills is a BIG mental change we all aren’t ready for.

Work On It Everyday

We have to take strides each day. Work hard daily on the path of becoming a better version of yourself. Growth, especially personal growth takes time and patience. It is easier said than done, but once we pass that bridge, boy does it feel great! Just stay positive, keep making strides towards your goal. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat like a pig every once in a while, buy that Louis, book a random trip but just be smart. 

better you, mental health, body
better you, mental health, body

Whatever you want to improve, do so. It doesn’t matter what trait or aspect of you that is. It can be small like not getting Starbucks daily and spending money or it can be big like losing weight. Step yourself up for success. Becoming a better version of yourself is a personal journey. Do what makes you happy, fills your life with joy and gets you excited.


Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

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