Keeping Your Friends Circle Small Is Important And Okay!

friend, friendship, circle

Hi loves! Today, I’m talking about keeping your friends circle small and meaningful. We all have different types of friendships with different people and personalities. How do we manage to know who’s there for the right reasons? We all have our circle of friends, party friends, travel friends, etc. How do we know when one friend is fully committed to your group or maybe in the wrong group? What do you do? Can you fix it? Here are my thoughts. 

friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal

Types of Circles: 

We all have our different circles: THE best friends, coworkers, acquaintances, party people. Some friend circles are for the crazy rave nights, the coworkers are for when you need that happy hour drink RIGHT AFTER HOURS. Ha-ha! Your best friends have are back and are probably in your other groups too but this group is small, exclusive, and intimate. It’s your go to group for quick plans, for taco Tuesday nights, for the crying nights. So what happens when a friend moves from a close group?

friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal

Personal Experience:

I’ve had friends come and go, friends who have helped me grow, friends who have shown their true colors and left my life. I truly feel we grow personally for the better and if your friends cannot keep up then sorry. Off my train or circle you go. I’m truly happy with the friends I currently have, meaning the ones that have left… Thank you, next. I guess the question becomes how do you handle that change? I’ve had a friend who I considered super close distant themselves making myself feel unimportant and I’ve had a person I’d casually met before become literally like my family. 

friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal

How Do You Handle It?

How do you handle it, well it depends on you. My personality is very cut throat, to be fair I’m a Virgo and my moon sign is a Gemini so very easy for me to cut the cord off. My friend that left my best friend group, honestly, I didn’t care. I’m never going to go out of my way to keep you as my friend. Sure, I would invite her out to dinner, places, to maybe see the reason for the distant. The text was very one-sided. At this point, here’s the door. BYE!

Am I hurt? Yes. Am I upset? Of course. Again, am I going to beg for you to stay? NO. I feel like I tried to keep us close, but it didn’t work nor was reciprocated. I truly feel you have to try to keep the friendship alive, that person did mean something to you. Try and if you feel like you tried your hardest and the other party didn’t care, well now you know where they stand. Hence keeping your friends circle small and intimate.

friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal

Life’s full of adventures. Full of people you will meet and get to know. Some become your best friends, some become family, others leave, and some you just wish you really didn’t meet. It’s important to know your circle well. Keeping your friends circle small is okay. You don’t need 284934 million friends. You need to trust them and also know when it’s time to change the players if need be.

Don’t be afraid of the change just embrace it. Maybe there’s a reason for the departure. Maybe you weren’t helping them grow or they weren’t helping you grow. Relationships are two sided and both parities need to equally work together to keep it alive. If one party wants to leave then let them. In the end, we all just have to move on for the better. 

friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal
friendships, bonds, family, keeping your friends circle small, intimate, personal


Karen Giuliana 

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

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