Hi loves! I’m back and today we’re diving into the flight attendant life. I know I’ve been putting my blog off for quite some time now. Honestly I thought about just shutting it down and moving on. But I LOVE IT HERE! I love that this is MY SPACE! MY WORLD AND I’M THE NARATOR. So I think I’m going to strive for a monthly blog post for now and update you all on my life, my career and most important all things beauty. So let’s get into it. Today’s topic: The Flight Attendant life. What is it? How’s it going? Are you having fun?
I think I’m going to do a whole separate blog post on how I became a flight attendant and possibly a YouTube video cause I do get asked a ton about that and my journey was very different than the norm. But today we’re discussing the flight attendant life. The highs, the lows and the crazy stories. I think I’m just going to start sharing my experience and be super blunt about it. Cause I have nothing stopping me and it’s my story to tell.
The Flight Attendant Life
The flight attendant life is draining, exhilarating, fun, adventurous, crazy, mentally exhausting and at times lonely. But overall it’s amazing. At my airline the most flights we do in a day is 4, I normally get like 3 a day. So the day becomes very long (and we’re not paid on the hour just flight time hours) and by the time you’re in your hotel room all you want to do is possibly eat, shower and sleep.
On most layovers this is my first night, unless we get lucky and have time to explore the first day. Then I plan accordingly with my schedule and decide to either go explore the next morning or stay in. I NEVER stay in! I love walking around a city and seeing different parts and just living.
The best part of the flight attendant life is you’re almost always on the go. It’s a new city every week especially when you’re on reserve. To start off September, I went to New York, Atlanta, Peru and Orlando for work. Then on my flight benefits, hopped off the plane in London and visited the UK. There is a blog post in the works for a day in London, so don’t worry but here are my other blog posts for Europe. You’re always somewhere different and to me that’s fun and exciting.
I plan my day around the time frame I have in each city and location. Atlanta we were right in the middle of Peachtree so plenty of options, New York I’ve only stayed near the airport so not as many options. To be fair, I am a Manhattan city girl and Brooklyn & Queens just don’t cut it for me.
Peru had to have been the best layover I had to date. The hotel was like straight up the finest of the fine. I had my own walk in closet, a huge bathroom with a vanity and chair (the key to my heart) and the room itself was so big! A great view of the city but the gym and spa had me never wanting to leave.
I took advantage of the spa discount we get and got a massage for like only 45 bucks! I went to the gym, grabbed some food and then went to relax in bed before we had to leave to work the red eye back. That was the draining part. The overnight red eye flights. Sometimes the flight attendant life has its perks, others I’m like why did I sign up for this?
Another perk of the flight attendant life is the flight benefits we get. So after this draining time, I came home for 24 hours, did laundry, repacked and got ready to head across the pond. My flight attendant friend and I used our perks to get first class to London and let me tell you, it was totally worth it. Like when I say it was the best sleep I had gotten I wished the flight was longer. Visited London for about 36 hours and then came right back to the good old US of A.
The flight attendant life can be draining, tiring, fun and crazy all in once but the one I love about it is the adventure. It’s always a different place, city, country, etc. It’s the people you meet along the way. I’ve been blessed and have had great crews with people who love to explore but sometimes I am on my own and exploring alone. It kind of gives me this peace you know. Like I can be alone and independent. It time I get to think about my future, what I want to do, upcoming plans and everything else you could possibly think about.
Like when I’m meeting the love of life? Why guys are scum? Why are girls so catty? Like a lot of thoughts happen, but during that time is when I discovered what I’m passionate about and a little new take I want to share with y’all. I have to figure out camera and things but I kind of want to start recording my layovers and what I do like a vlog but for YouTube.
I know! I know! Karen, you need to focus on one thing at a time. But honestly, I have to many things I want to dive into. We’ll see where it goes but for sure I’ll be monthly blog posting. London will hopefully be up by next week if not first week of October. The flight attendant life is my new everyday life and I couldn’t be happier. So follow along, subscribe to my blog and let’s see where we’re off to next.
Karen Giuliana