Getting My First Credit Card: My Advice For You

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Hi loves! Today I’m sharing my experience on getting my first credit card. I feel like most of us run away from credit cards, because we’re raised to be afraid of them, not apply for them until you need too, and watch your back because banks LOVE to collect against you. I’m here to tell you, that’s not the case. As a financial advisor, I’ve helped hundreds of people get credit. From the college teens “getting my first credit card” to the adults realizing they need to build credit now.

You shouldn’t be afraid of credit. It’s honestly one of the most important things you’ll need in your life. With great credit, you can pretty much negotiate anything and be approved for anything. Good credit, you can get good rates on home and cars. With bad credit, it’s a tough road to get approved for a home, you’re pretty much at the mercy of the car dealerships, and limiting where you can go or live. 

credit card, finance, getting my first credit card

Be Responsible

Getting my first credit card at 18 – I was knew starting young. Which is honestly the best time to get a card, your parents are there to help, the limit is small, and you feel responsible for something. I was knowledgeable and knew the consequences if I wasn’t responsible to grow my credit in either the right or wrong way. I was super strict and only used my credit card for gas and some food when I was in college. THAT’S IT!!

My parents also helped me by just keeping an eye on my bank statements and asking how much I owed? You have to be strict with yourself, be open with your parents to ask for their help or monitor you, and be consistent with paying the little you owe. Think of the credit card as an emergency card for the essentials – food and gas ONLY.

credit card, finance, getting my first credit card

Getting My First Credit Card: Now Which One?

Once you’ve made the decision to get a credit card, now the question becomes which one should you get? There are so many cards how do you decide? My answer is simple. Each financial institution offers both cash rewards cards and travel rewards cards. Do your research. You can go into your bank and talk about the options, but I know sometimes you feel like they are pressuring to apply. Bring your parents then as back up and go in only asking for information. Head over to BetterMoneyHabits and do some research.

You can even go online and compare the different cards. I prefer to have a cash rewards card. I get rewarded for my purchases like dining out, grocery shopping, and every other thing. Some of us, travel a lot and prefer to get rewarded by earning travel points or even getting a credit card with our favorite airline. 

credit card, finance, getting my first credit card

My Advice

Do your research! There are so many credit cards out there, find the one that fits you. Getting my first credit card was exciting and I didn’t let anyone tell me what I needed, I found out what I wanted. Go online and read about each card, and look for no annual fees too. Interest is high now, so make sure you are strict. Don’t spend money on things you don’t need. Trust me, I know how easy it is to buy that outfit, those shoes, or even going online shopping.

You have to be strict and think about your future. I’m living proof, I was strict with my credit card and at 23 I bought my first car completely on my own at no interest and it was a fully loaded Ford Focus. Wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t responsible. But if I could do it, you can as well. Getting my first credit card wasn’t a stressful thing, because I was informed.

credit card, finance, getting my first credit card

When it comes to credit cards, we all get a bit tense. We fear the unknown of how we are going to act. But does it have to be like that? Absolutely not! First, get the mindset right. Second, find the RIGHT CARD for you. Do the research and see all your options. Lastly, work hard.

Work hard to build your credit high, be proud of that. It can help you tremendously in life and to reach your goals. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me? I can help you discuss and we can find the right card for you. My 9-5 job is working in the banking industry, but I pride myself on helping others even if that means a different bank.


Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

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