Why Surrounding Yourself With the Right People Is Important

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Hi loves! Surrounding yourself with the right people is always a hard things to do. How do you know other’s intentions? They say “true friends are families which you select.” I couldn’t agree more. The friends you have can help influence your life. They can help you grow, keep you from your full potential or be harmful/toxic to your life. Friends can become family but can also become your worst nightmare. So why is it important to be surrounding yourself with the right people in your life? Here are my reasons for having those RIGHT people.  

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They’ll ALWAYS Lift You Up

Period. The right people are always there to lift you up, in the good and bad times. If you need to grab a quick drink or an escape they’ll be right there. They’ll want to see you succeed and cheer you on. After a something bad happens, they’ll support you and tell you to keep your head up. Basically, no matter what, the right people always want to see you on top.

They’ll be there whether it’s switching to a new career, a new project, or even a step back. They want the best for you and won’t find you a threat. For example, I have two friends who are both photographers and they both shoot together, applaud the other’s victories and don’t hold the other back.

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They’ll Tell You The Truth

No matter what. The truth can be hard sometimes, and something you don’t want to hear. The right people tell you it how it is. They care about your feelings but also know sometimes love hurts and you need to hear the truth. If you’re friends keep something from you, do you really want them around? I recently had this happen in my group.

One of my best friends had a bad breakup and within a week or so after the breakup we saw photos and IG stories of the ex-boyfriend with a new girl. I brought it up to our group and majority said to not say anything. A day went by and she was still upset about the whole breakup and I knew it would hurt her but I had to tell her what I saw.

She had her suspicions and once I told her it confirmed it all. Again, not the truth you want to hear but you need those friends that are willing to tell you even though it’ll hurt. You’re surrounding yourself with the right people for these reasons. The truth no matter how hard it can be.

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They Are There In the Darkest Moments

When I had my brain surgery, they came to visit me and keep my head up. When I was forced to stay at home for two months with a PICC line, they came over to visit and hang out. The right people are there to cheer you up after the tragedy. They are there to help you overcome any obstacles in your way. To challenge you. To push you. All the right way of course. In your darkest moments you see who is really there and these friends would NEVER LEAVE YOU alone. 

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You choose who gets to be a part of this family. CHOOSE THEM WISELY! Don’t let people hold you back or hide things from you. You always need people in your life who can help you grow and get you out of dark moments we all face at some point. They’ll cheer you on, want you to succeed and support you unconditionally. I have my mine group of family. Make sure you have yours. 

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Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. July 9, 2019 / 2:02 am

    Friends more like a family!!! Stay healthy!!

    • July 9, 2019 / 11:25 am

      Yes completely agree! Thanks for reading! 🙂

    • July 9, 2019 / 11:25 am

      I bet you did! It feels good to have negative people out of your life! Good for you girl! 🙂