Looking Back On Your Resolutions for 2017 and Head Strong Into 2018

blog, blogger, travel, fitness, lifestyle, health, beauty

Looking back on your resolutions for 2017. We’re all doing it! I set out in 2017 to change my mentality, get in better shape, strive to travel more and see different cultures, try new experiences, take risks and save money to potentially buy a house. Looking back today on December 31st, 2017. I actually accomplished most of them?!

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Looking Back At The Memories

My favorite thing now is to take photos and videos. Anything that you can look back on and remember exactly what you were feeling, thinking, doing. There’s no shame anymore, so yes I get looks all the time at stop lights. LOL! Throughout this post I’m going to share my year in review with photos. I’m also going to share a few tips on how to keep those New Year’s resolutions going strong.

NFL, football, end zone, friends, Miami, Dolphins, diff, sunglasses, eyewear,  looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
party, nightlife, nightclub, downtown, fort lauderdale, girls, friends, music, Saturday night, GNO, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
girls, night out, GNO, party, nightclub, nightlife, downtown, west palm, clematis, camelot, palm beach, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
akademia, show, dance, dancers, friends, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
Paris, parisan, tour bus, travel, explore, Europe, country, looking back on your resolutions
Paris, parisan, tour bus, travel, explore, Europe, country, looking back on your resolutions
Paris, parisan, tour bus, travel, explore, Europe, country, Lourve,  looking back on your resolutions
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blog, blogger, travel, fitness, lifestyle, health, beauty, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
vacation, aruba, carnival, cruise, water, atv, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
blog, blogger, travel, fitness, lifestyle, health, beauty, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
blog, blogger, travel, fitness, lifestyle, health, beauty, diff, eyewear, sunglasses, NYC, central park, New York, looking back on your resolutions
blog, blogger, travel, fitness, lifestyle, health, beauty, looking back on your resolutions
catniss everdeen, new things, renaissance, festivals, day adventures, looking back on your resolutions

Looking Back On Your Resolutions

Look I know keeping resolutions are hard. Looking back on your resolutions can be hard and most fail after the first month. Some tips I can provide you with is to be realistic with yourself, have someone hold you accountable, and if you don’t do it… well there’s always next year.

Be Realistic With Yourself

  • You know yourself better than anyone so don’t strive for unattainable goals
    • Ex: don’t set a 50-pound weight loss goal start smaller maybe 20 or 10!
  • Write down small goals throughout the year to keep you in line
    • Ex: by June you lost 6 pounds, you have 6 more months to hit your goal of 10!
  • You have to start somewhere so don’t overwhelm yourself, just take it day by day!

Have Someone Hold You Accountable:

  • Ask a friend to join you if it’s doable
    • Ex: lose weight together, don’t drink as much, etc.
  • Tell someone about your goals
    • Ex: I find when I tell someone my goals, its real and I can’t just say “oh well, no one knows”
  • Make sure whoever you choose is willing to see you succeed
    • Ex: if you don’t want to drink as much, don’t make the person who holds you accountable the biggest drinker you know. Be smart!
teami, teamiblends, detox, tea, fit, fitness, looking back on your resolutions
crossfit, liger, royal palm, gym, train, fitness, fit, goals, looking back on your resolutions
crossfit, liger, royal palm, gym, train, fitness, fit, goals, looking back on your resolutions
crossfit, south florida, gym, train, fitness, fit, goals, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest

And IF You Fail:

  • Oh well, it’s only a goal you wanted to attempt. Try again after a little break to keep it going. Don’t actually wait until the next year.
  • Don’t beat yourself up. It happens. I started horribly at the gym and it wasn’t until September/October that I actually started going like 4-5 times a week.
  • Change the goal up a bit, maybe you strived too high or for too much, step back and readjust. That’s totally cool.

Looking back on your resolutions, you have to be happy with yourself, confident in yourself, and proud of what you did do! Maybe you did something you never thought you could do. Maybe you got that promotion, graduated school, or got engaged?

Conclusion: those are all amazing goals maybe not a resolution but super amazing accomplishments. Be proud of what you did do, don’t look back on what you could have done 2017 is already over. I always look back on my year and reflect on what I did, what I can work on, and how to get better. You learn from the past, don’t live in it. Make it happen in 2018!

concert, free, best friend, ricky martin, latina, fiesta, spanish, looking back on your resolutions
concert, free, best friend, ricky martin, latina, fiesta, spanish, looking back on your resolutions
flying home, NYC, best friend, planes, looking back on your resolutions
girls, night out, GNO, party, nightclub, nightlife, downtown, west palm, clematis, camelot, palm beach, looking back on your resolutions

Looking Back On Your Resolutions

2017 Reflections:

  • Things take time. You can’t go from A to Z in January, you have 11 more months to get there.
  • Don’t take anything for granted. You never know when our time is up, so LIVE every day with a purpose.
  • Comparing yourself to others is a KILLER! Love yourself, you have A LOT to offer.
  • Believe in yourself, have confidence.
  • My friends are the real “MVP’s!” Love every second you spend together.
  • FamILY is EVERYTHING! Cherish every moment you have and love them unconditionally.
  • “I don’t need somebody to complete me, I complete myself” – Jessica Simpson
  • Most importantly, follow your heart. Trust your instincts.
confident, beauty, pageant, Miss Florida, hair, makeup, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest
confident, beauty, pageant, Miss Florida, hair, makeup, looking back on your resolutionsPin this image on Pinterest

Moving Forward

2018 Goals/Resolutions:

  • Balance work, play, family, and life better
  • Travel MORE and get another stamp in that passport! (I just can’t get enough)
  • Save MONEY (I didn’t go that this year, gotta GROW that savings)
  • Expand my blog (stay tuned), post more often and bring you guys new content.
  • Get involved with my COMMUNITY: charity work, fundraising, supporting the arts
  • WORK OUT consistently!
  • Literally FILL UP every line in my Lauren James calendar. (Best calendar ever! BTW)
  • Drink more WATER (I’m so bad, I used to drink 4 water bottles a day)
  • Cook a meal ONCE a week and eat better.
  • GET back into dance, I’ve missed you.
  • Listen to Dale Smith Thomas, she’s such an inspiring woman and truly changed my thinking and how I see myself in just 4 days of hearing her speak, preach, and motivate. Go CHECK her out!
  • ALWAYS REMEMBER. . . there’s always someone who is less fortunate than you.

I want to hear from you whether its looking back on 2017, setting new resolutions and lets getting ready to SMASH 2018!

confident, beauty, pageant, Miss Florida, hair, makeup, looking back on your resolutions


Karen Giuliana

Karen Bardales
Karen Bardales

Hello loves, welcome to my blog! My name is Karen Giuliana Bardales and I am currently 31 years old. I was born New Jersey and raised in Florida, graduated from Florida Atlantic University and still residing in sunny South Florida.

The reason for my blog is to write about my experiences from traveling, the beauty industry, fitness and other things I love. I want to help inspire others through my personal experiences and be seen as a role model to young woman everywhere.

Thank you for reading and following along through my journey of life. Your support means everything to me, so thank you!

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. January 7, 2018 / 12:26 pm

    Good Luck to 2018 and you may continue to pursue your dreams!!!

    • January 7, 2018 / 12:59 pm

      Thank you so much! Good luck to your 2018 Goals as well!!

  2. January 7, 2018 / 7:51 pm

    Those are some good tips and goals! That you may achieve your 2018 goals!

    • January 7, 2018 / 8:47 pm

      Thank you! I really appreciate it! 🙂

  3. January 8, 2018 / 2:33 pm

    Onwards to another great year! 👍

  4. January 9, 2018 / 3:34 pm

    I love reading about peoples’ reviews of the passed year. It sums up what was the most important thing that happened to them and what they learned. Thanks for sharing!

    • January 9, 2018 / 6:00 pm

      Thank you for listening! 🙂 it is just a great way to reflect and think about new ambitions.

  5. January 10, 2018 / 5:32 am

    Great way to set your goal for 2018…your 2017 was definitely great so keep it up for 2018 and make a lot more memories!

    • January 10, 2018 / 7:18 am

      Thank you so much! I’m trying too, hope your 2018 is been amazing so far! 🙂